{ jessecanderson.dev }

Six months a developer

It has been roughly over six months since I started my latest job as a mobile developer for Oddball and I thought I would give a few thoughts on where I am and where I wanted to be.

I’m a Developer

Now, the last six months have not made me a developer. No, not by a long shot. I look back now and realize I’ve been strong in this skill for years. My previous job at Brandt helped me get into the field by giving me the title I needed and the experiance I needed under that title to really get started. Yet I’ve been working towards this for so long, working on my skills for so long, and refining my skills that I just didn’t “become” a developer.

Even though this role may not have “made” me a developer, working with these people really helped open my eyes to my own self worth and my won skill set as a mobile developer. Being here at Oddball, I feel that my work really means something. We are building an application that will help people, help the Air Force, and it has helped me.

Through this, I’ve been able to descover how much I really knew and how much I still have left to learn. I’m not perfect, but my coworkers take my imperfections and really help push me to understand myself and how I can become better. And I hope that with my actions my team mates see some improvements that I offer to them. It is an amazing feeling building something that people want to see, and believe in the product we are building.

Working through Flutter

At the start of the year, I had a list of blog post topics. These included the Flutter/Dart mobile development framework. Well, my current job and what I’ve been doing for the last six months have ben heavy in that world. So, I need to create some content I guess. I’ve got a list of things I would like to see written about Flutter. Both good and bad. We will see how much I can get through these ideas and write them down into something resembling a blog post.

What makes this exciting is we are getting in on the ground floor of an amazing workflow for mobile development. This isn’t as clunky feeling as Xamarin, and it may not be as nice as iOS and Swift, but it’s a really cool way to create cross platform mobile applications. We are not breaking new ground with our app, but I’ve got loads of demo apps that I’ve played with and even started a game using the Flame package that has been fun to play with. I want to experement more and put togehter a tutorial at some point soon.

2020 Has been a year

Last, it’s been one hell of a year. I hope people are staying safe out there, that we are sticking through this together. The year has really had its ups and downs. It has been a lot to take in with all that has gone on this year. But keep your loved ones close and keep on being amazing. Build something cool. Or just play with something new. Either way, keep learning and pushing yourself. This year may not have been wonderful globaly, but it has been really good for me and I’m just really getting started!

#developer #iOS #swift