Next Year Post Ideas
So, I wrote done some ideas for the year. I think I’m going to start with a few topics to help get myself back into things. These should keep me pretty busy over the next few months.
These should give me a few months worth of materials to work on. But let me get into why I am looking at these specifically.
It’s been seven or so months since Apple released SwiftUI on us and I’ve only done a little bit with this framework. That isn’t a bad thing at this point, as people are not widely adopting it for projects at the moment. But with this, Apple has firmly planted the flag of how applications are to be designed and build in the future. With the common conception that we support at least the last two versions of iOS we can’t really jump right into SwiftUI as it only works with iOS 13 right now. But, unless you have to support more then two previous versions of iOS for some reason, next release cycle for iOS should make this the standard for development moving forward. So really, by the end of 2020 SwiftUI will be how any new project should be done. As well as looking at transitioning from UIKit into SwiftUI for older projects if possible. I’m not saying everyone will be building it this way in the next year but I personally want to be prepared. And having played with it just a little bit, I do enjoy the reactive approach to building UI. Also, the move away from Apple MVC (Massive View Controllers) to MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) is an interesting change in architecture for an iOS application. I know that it’s not new for iOS, but it’s new to me. So, something to learn and expand on.
Then python and Cisco DevNet. Python is a great language/tool that I started learning years ago but haven’t touched in at least two or three years as I’ve just not needed it. But Cisco has recently announced that they are doing Cisco DevNet certifications and I am a collector of certifications. Getting a DevNet certification would be amazing, and merging/bridging my two experiences into a single path would actually be really nice.
For most people know, that the whole time I did infrastructure I really just wanted to do development work but I didn’t know how or where to start. I didn’t know what I needed to do to dip my toe in that water. Over the last year, I’ve done nothing but mobile development and I feel I’ve got a solid understanding of most of the mobile development principles. Which most of that is just development principles with mobile functionality and API’s sprinkled on top.
Vs the same thing in Python:
So, python is a huge goal to get back into the wonderful world of Cisco and their certification program. Who knows where that will end up.
Last is just a personal thing, but I bought a class on Flutter a while back and never actually took it. If you don’t know, Flutter is a cross platform framework using Dart at the language. But over the last few years, Flutter has really grown to support mobile and web based applications! This allows someone to create iOS, Android, and Websites all in a single framework with a single language. This could be a huge thing for people working on projects. I know that Swift is an amazing language that can do iOS and web development, but Flutter does Android as well which is cool. I know it’s not perfect for sure, there are still issues and compatibility things that I want to get into at some point. But again, at least three different platforms all from a single code/project. This also gives me a reason to play with VS Code more. I love that application and want to use it more often. Not that there isn’t anything wrong with Xcode (even though there is) but VS Code is really nice.
That is it! That is my list of topics for the first few months of the year. Stay tuned to this space to see posts on any/all of these things ane let me know if there is a topic you would love to see me talk about? Could be anything really, just not that…one…thing?