{ jessecanderson.dev }

Fall has come to Florida

Welcome to fall in the great state of Florida. It has been a really busy summer for us. Not only did we stay home, just trying to do our part to help with this global pandemic that we are going through, but work has been a super whirlwind of….well….work.

We have been making great progress on our app, and I’ve learned a TON about Flutter and Dart over the summer. I’m not 100% on the Flutter train myself, I still have some issues with differences between it and Swift/SwiftUI, but it has been a great learning experiance. I feel that this is really helping to push me into more a seinor level role, that mmy knowledge is just getting broader and a better understanding of development which I love.

Learning Goals

Over the winter, I have some learning goals that I want to acomplish to help me round out my skills.

Markdown is something I really want to learn more of. I use it for the wiki, notes, and in my blog posts. I haven’t memorized all the tags and how to do things in Markdown and I want to get better at my formatting.

I want to build/release an app in SwiftUI. I almost have my bingo game 100% converted and almost working. Just have a few bugs to sort out ther.

I really would like to do more “full stack” inside Swift with Vapor if I can get my motivation back up. I’ve got a few books and some great videos to help learn server side Swift and work on building websites and API’s using Swift. That would be cool to learn the whole workflow and build an application and API to support it all in a single language. That is the goal there anyways. I could learn something like Ruby/Rails or NodeJS but I think sticking with Swift will be more fun. <Yes, I am a fanboy for Swift>

I know I say this most every post, but I want to do more with this blog. I’ve also played with the idea of a podcast, to go with the blog posts if I can. People at work have talked about doing a podcast, so I may tag onto that to get started and learn how it all works.

Personal Goals

I need to do better at some of this work/life balance stuff. I spend so much time pushing myself to learn. Breaks between learing are a good thing and something I need to do more of. So, I decided to work on a list of goals that take me outside of tech. Of course, last time I tried to learn something outside of tech I sliced my hand open and had to get stitches.

Keeping things short this time. I need to go through my list of post ideas and actualy spend more then just 30 min typing my random thoughts. But, that is what you get today. At least it is an update, you know I’m still here and I’m working to better myself. What else is there in a blog post really?

Have a great day, no matter when you read this. Keep on building and keep being awesome.

#update #learning #developer