{ jessecanderson.dev }

Life Update

It’s been a few months since my last update. So here we go!

We are very close to our inital launch of an application written native in iOS and Android. I built out the iOS application and my office mate built out the Android application. It was a LOT of fun to build these out, and I learned a bunch while building it. I think this sets us up for adding some cool features in the near future. I want to add in biometrics into the application, that was a future feature that I was working on in the Xamarin version.

We have two other mobile applications that we are working on. One is written in Xamarin and needs to be rewritten into native application code, and the other is a concept that we have to build out by August. So, that is going to be a HUGE application that we are going to build out. I have some of it done already, but there is so much more to do.

With all of this, I’ve learned a ton and even used some cool new Swift 5.0 features like the Result() type! That was a fun refactor. I hope to get some neat iOS specific blogs up in the next month, I know a bunch of people online already have Result() blogs and videos but I wanted to try and get one up myself. I also wanted to go through how I build our network layer. I created our own network layer and didn’t use a framework like AlamoFire. With URLSession() it’s pretty strait forward to build out a network layer. The tricky part was getting Codable and Realm Object to work in the same class. I found a few good blog posts, but I learned ab out Coding Keys and the Decodable protocol while doing it.

Few things I know I need to work on:

I’m hoping I can get into some of these items and write up some posts on them in the next few months. But we have to see how much time I get to work on blog stuff.

I did migrate over to a new domain, so that is cool. I was able to secure www.jessecanders.dev and this blog will now live there. It’s still hosted by GitHub Pages, but even that is on the fence of how long I want to leave it here. We just have to wait and see.

I hope you all out there are doing great, keep on being awesome and building cool things!

#personal #update #learning